Kluane / Wrangell-St. Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek
A huge trans-national site, significant in terms of geological processes, ecological zones, biodiversity and beauty.
A huge trans-national site, significant in terms of geological processes, ecological zones, biodiversity and beauty.
A site used for 6,000 years by Plains people to hunt buffalo by driving them over a cliff.
A charming 18th-19th-century British colonial fishing settlement with colorful wooden buildings.
A site containing fossils of the earliest complex organisms, marking an important turning point in evolutionary history.
An agricultural area that commemorates the history of the Acadians and their expulsion from Canada.
Seven parks encompassing all the grandeur of the Canadian Rockies with magnificent mountain scenery.
North America’s only fortified colonial city, with an intact core, some of which dates back to the 17th century.
An area of natural beauty which illustrates the process of continental drift.
The first proven European settlement in North America, established 1000 years ago in Newfoundland.
Spectacular scenery and a showcase for the importance of international cooperation in protecting our planet’s wilderness.
Stunning, other-worldly badlands scenery, with some of the most significant dinosaur fossil discoveries ever made.
A canal built to help defend Canada from American attacks, now an urban recreational zone in summer and winter.